Compounds, Mixtures 'n' Elements


Mind Map on Compounds, Mixtures 'n' Elements, created by anna2528 on 05/05/2013.
Mind Map by anna2528, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anna2528 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Compounds, Mixtures 'n' Elements
  1. Elements
    1. Elements can't be split up into anything simpler by chemical ethods. They only contain one type of atom.
      1. There are about 100 different elements.
        1. Each element has a name and a shorthand symbol (e.g. Carbon = C).
          1. Everything on Earth is made up of elements.
            1. The Periodic Table lists all the elements
              1. The number in the top right corner of an element is the Relative Atomic Mass.
                1. The number in the bottom right corner of and element is the Atomic Number
                  1. On the left of the Periodic Table are the Metals
                    1. In the middle of the Periodic Table are the Transition Metals
                      1. On the right of the Periodic Table are the Non-Metals.
                        1. A group is a vertical column of elements
                          1. Examples
                            1. Group 1 = The Alkali Metals
                              1. Group 2 = The Alkaline Earth Metals
                                1. Group 7 = The Halogens (Halogen means 'Salt -former' and compounds with a halogen in it is called a 'salt'.
                                  1. Group 0 = The Noble Gases
                            2. Mixtures
                              1. Mixtures are substance NOT chemically joined up
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