The 'Limestone' cycle


Chemistry C1 2.3
Mind Map by omgstudytime, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by omgstudytime almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The 'Limestone' cycle
  1. When heated strongly calcium carbonate in limestone decomposes to:
    1. Calcium oxide
      1. They react to produce calcium hydroxide
        1. Alkali. (Can be used to neutralise acids)
          1. It's used by farmers to neutralise acidic soils and in industry to neutralise acidic gases.
          2. This is not very soluble in water, but dissolves slightly to make Limewater (Calcium hydroxide solution)
            1. Calcium hydroxide reacts with CARBON DIOXIDE to produce CALCIUM CARBONATE, the main compound of limestone.
        2. carbon dioxide
        3. When water is added to calcium oxide
          1. Water
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