The Labour Party in the UK


Mind map supporting my studies
Betina Jasinska
Mind Map by Betina Jasinska, updated more than 1 year ago
Betina Jasinska
Created by Betina Jasinska over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Labour Party in the UK
  1. Origins
    1. Labour refers to workers.
      1. Workers had organised during the Industrial Revolution.
        1. They organised themselves within the framework of Trade Unions.
          1. Trade Union Congress (TUC) - 1868
            1. Gathered workers from different unions of skilled trades.
            2. In 1893 they formed the Independent Labour Party.
              1. In order to have workers' rights promoted through political representation in the parliament.
                1. In the beginning, the party didn't have a concrete political program.
                  1. The program was partly supplied by socialist organisations.
                    1. The program was influenced by such groups as The Fabian Society
                      1. The Fabian Society promoted the public ownership of capital and land.
                        1. The main idea: the state would act in the interest of workers better than markets.
        2. The 20th century Labour Party
          1. Defended Keynesian policies, namely:
            1. Public employment
              1. Public spending to stimulate growth
                1. Nationalisation
                  1. Welfare state
                    1. In 1945 The Labour Party won for the 1st time an absolute majority in Parliament.
                      1. It nationalised only 20% of businesses.
                        1. It created NHS.
                          1. It created a system of national insurance.
                            1. Did not introduced collectivism but a mixed economy.
                              1. Crisis occured in 1973 - stagflation (stagnation + inflation)
                                1. That made an impression that Labour's program doesn't work.
                                  1. Tory campaign poster: "Labour isn't working"
                                  2. Labour divided due to the different ideas of strategies to regain the power.
                    2. The New Labour Party
                      1. In 1994, Tony Blair became the leader of the party.
                        1. He wanted to modernise the party.
                          1. To re-brand it as New Labour.
                            1. To create a program in a half way between capitalism and socialism.
                            2. Abolishment of the Clause IV.
                              1. "Power, wealth and opportunity are in the hands of the many, not the few."
                                1. Reduction of taxes.
                                  1. Reduction of public spending.
                                    1. Support for education and welfare spending only.
                                      1. The idea: to create the conditions for people to have jobs.
                                        1. Not to create public jobs.
                                          1. The Third Way criticized by the left wing.
                                            1. Contradicting working class ideals.
                                              1. Party funded by millionaires, not by working class unions.
                                                1. Devolution in 1998.
                                                  1. The Human Rights Act in 1998.
                                                    1. Reform of the House of Lords in 1999.
                                                      1. Abolishion of majority of hereditary peerages.
                                                        1. Only 92 remained out of 750.
                                                          1. Peerages given on merit.
                                                        2. BUT the House of Lords still stays unelected - subject to criticism.
                                                          1. Criticism of Blairite politics.
                                                            1. Scandal in 2006-2007 - some peers had previously been Labour Party donors.
                                                              1. Corruption.
                                                              2. Third Way - pretext for reducing public spending for limiting the state's responsibility.
                                                                1. Capitalism deciding future of the nation.
                                                                  1. Crisis of 2008 - Gordon Brown used public funds to save banks.
                                                                    1. New Labour serving capitalist interests.
                                                                2. Manipulation.
                                                                  1. War in Iraq in 2003.
                                                                    1. Blair said S. Hussein possessed weapons he hadn't possessed in reality.
                                                                      1. The British govt produced documents proving these words.
                                                                        1. Public deceived to justify military intervention.
                                                                  2. In 2010 the Labours lost the elections.
                                                                    1. They had created a public deficit.
                                                                      1. Crisis managed not well enough.
                                                                        1. Some Labour voters not satisfied with the New Labour project.
                                                                          1. Ed Miliband approaching the left-wing more.
                                                                            1. In 2015 Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership of the party.
                                                                              1. J. Corbyn - supporter of the Old Labour
                                                                                1. Convinced socialist - close to Marxism.
                                                                                  1. Vegetarian.
                                                                                    1. Pacifist.
                                                                                      1. In favour of the Clause IV.
                                                                                        1. Pro-Palestinian.
                                                                                          1. In favour of United Ireland.
                                                                                            1. Anti-royalist.
                                                                              2. Not "going left" enough.
                                                                3. Education - people better qualified to enter the job market.
                                                                  1. Welfare targeted only at those, who needed it.
                                                                    1. Unemployment benefits paid only in case of evidence that the unemployed one is looking for a job and willing to take whatever there is.
                                                                      1. Benefits NO longer UNIVERSAL.
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