Discuss at least two strategies people use to regulate their emotions


Mind Map on Discuss at least two strategies people use to regulate their emotions, created by Vicky Whiting on 01/01/2017.
Vicky Whiting
Mind Map by Vicky Whiting, updated more than 1 year ago
Vicky Whiting
Created by Vicky Whiting over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Discuss at least two strategies people use to regulate their emotions
  1. Individual differences
    1. Handle emotions differently
      1. Past experiences
        1. Reinterpretation
          1. Looking at stimulus in a different way
            1. Changing the emotional response
              1. Negative to a positive
              2. Distractions
                1. Attend to something else
                  1. Focusing on something positive
                    1. Working memory - if taken up by distraction, less capacity to work look at negative emotions
                    2. Dialectical behavior therapy
                      1. Therapy for mood disorders
                        1. Uses emotion regulation
                          1. Acceptance
                            1. Change strategies
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