Electropop Genre Characteristics


Mind Map on Electropop Genre Characteristics, created by Latymer Media2015 on 01/09/2017.
Latymer Media2015
Mind Map by Latymer Media2015, updated more than 1 year ago
Latymer Media2015
Created by Latymer Media2015 about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Electropop Genre Characteristics
  1. Bright Colours
    1. The use of bright colours and coloured lighting was a common theme we noticed in Electropop music videos, for example the Calvin Harris- How Deep Is Your Love music video.
        1. We applied this and conformed to this convention in our video by using bright blue and pink coloured lighting.
          1. Beauty Shots
            1. The electropop genre videos I researched included a lot of close up beauty shots of the artist to show their interesting styling and makeup for example in the FKA Twigs- Water Me Video
              1. We applied this convention in our music by including lots of beauty shots of Ella showing her unique hairstyles and bright makeup.
              2. Studio and Narrative Footage
                1. I noticed a convention was that electropop videos were either entirely studio based or entirely narrative based with a strong storyline, for example the AlunaGeorge- Automatic video is entirely narrative with no studio footage.
                  1. We challenged this convention in our music video by including both narrative and studio footage, we decided to do this as we wanted to have a lot of variety in our video to keep it visually interesting for our target audience.
                    1. Shot variety and effect
                      1. A convention of Electropop Music videos was a variety of shots including camera movement, interesting framing/angles and added effects into shots, for example the Justin Bieber- Where are U Now video uses lots of special effects,
                        1. We did not confrom to the convention of using special effects as we didn't think it fitted with the overal style we wanted for our video, however we added interest in out shots by including lots of camera movement by using a dolly during filming.
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