How did we follow and develop the narrative/performance conventions


Mind Map on How did we follow and develop the narrative/performance conventions, created by eleanor lynch on 10/01/2017.
eleanor lynch
Mind Map by eleanor lynch, updated more than 1 year ago
eleanor lynch
Created by eleanor lynch over 7 years ago

Resource summary

How did we follow and develop the narrative/performance conventions
  1. CHALLENGED these conventions by...
    1. We chose to incorporate both narrative and performance into our video with an equal coverage of each.
      1. We felt this would make a more interesting and gripping music video as the audience has a story to follow which they want to find out the ending of...therefore, they will (hopefully) watch till the end!
    2. FOLLOWED these conventions by...
      1. We chose a simplistic story line for our narrative; Mira and Jax have an argument; Mira storms off; Jax goes to find her; they eventually make up.
        1. Even though we wanted to make our music video interesting with a narrative, we also wanted to keep it simple so the audience understands it and we can focus more on the visuals.
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