The reaction of others and subsequent effects of those reactions. Thief, bully,
stupid - a process of segregation creates 'outsiders'
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Goffman (1959) Dramaturgical model
manage the impression we give to others
Back region and front region - our private and public persona
Social stigma - certain identities
are seen as 'spoiled'
Mead - Concepts of self
Young children - me or not me
Language is what enables us to
reflect on ourselves - what sort of
person am i?
Cooley (1964) - The looking glass self
Self identity influenced by our interactions with others
small scale interactions
Late modernity (slow change)
Postmodernity rapid change
Reflexive nature of society today - more likely to think and not simply follow tradition
Dominant culture being replaced by
groups with various 'tastes'
Hobsbawn (1996)identities are now
shirts not skins
Rapid social change
Unstable society
Image - media provide a
range of images we can
choose from
CONTEXT- Structuralists view of society see culture as a product of the needs of
the social system - all tend to see culture as imposed on individuals. Symbolic
Interactionism or Social Action theory see the individual as actively creating
culture through their interactions with other people.
The role of agencies in
defining identity and status
gender differences
age differences
Peer groups
Through peer groups we start to 'interact' with others like us and
begin to make sense of our own identity
identify with others like us; age, class and gender.
Mass media
understanding of
certain groups through
media saturated society
provide reference for us about
ourselves and others