

submitted to group nursing group; expand the relationships and rational
Donna James
Mind Map by Donna James, updated more than 1 year ago
Donna James
Created by Donna James about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. risk factors for non adherence
    1. Low SES
      1. Low EDU.
        1. Poor cognition
          1. Cultural Beliefs/spirituality
            1. Limited Resources
            2. Scope
              1. Complete Adherence
                1. Non Adherence
                2. Care Plan
                  1. SES hx
                    1. Cultural/sprituality/Beliefs
                      1. Prior med. Hx/careplan compliance
                      2. Impact on Health
                        1. Poor Health outcomes
                          1. Decline
                            1. complications
                              1. New diseases
                              2. Inter Related Concepts
                                1. Functional Ability
                                  1. Spirituality
                                    1. Culture
                                      1. Family dynamics
                                        1. Cognition
                                          1. Development
                                          2. Measure of acceptance
                                            1. Compliance
                                              1. Term used concureently with adherence that has negaitive cononation
                                              2. Concordence
                                                1. Level of cooroperation and partnership between PT/caregivers
                                                2. Pursistance
                                                  1. How long PT is able to keep the assigned care plans going
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