To Have - Cristancho Latriglia Salma


Mapa Mental sobre To Have - Cristancho Latriglia Salma, creado por Ofelia Latriglia el 10/02/2017.
Ofelia Latriglia
Mind Map by Ofelia Latriglia, updated more than 1 year ago
Ofelia Latriglia
Created by Ofelia Latriglia over 7 years ago

Resource summary

To Have - Cristancho Latriglia Salma
  1. tiempo
    1. presente
      1. se presenta en:
        1. afirmativo
          1. se conjuga en:
            1. have
              1. ejemplos :O
                1. I HAVE a work
                  1. YOU HAVE a dog
                    1. THEY HAVE a clook
                      1. WE HAVE a cowboy of toy
                      2. 1ra persona
                      3. has
                        1. ejemplos :O
                          1. JULIANA HAVE a cat
                            1. PIPE HAVE a mobile
                              1. the DOG HAVE a toy
                              2. 3ra persona
                          2. Negativo
                            1. se conjugan en:
                              1. don't have
                                1. ejemplos ;-)
                                2. doesn't have
                                  1. ejemplos ;-)
                                    1. does
                              2. Interrogativo
                                1. tag Q
                                  1. infor Q
                                    1. yes/no Q
                                      1. se conjuga en:
                                        1. Do
                                          1. ejemplos :-)
                                            1. DO I HAVE today evaluation?
                                              1. DO YOU HAVE a horse ?
                                                1. DO THEY HAVE a bird?
                                                  1. DO WE HAVE a dictionary?
                                                2. DOES
                                                  1. ejemplos :-)
                                                    1. DOES HE HAVE a pencil?
                                                      1. DOES SHE HAVE a flower
                                                        1. DOES THE BRACELET HAVE a heart
                                            2. futuro
                                              1. pasado
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