Consulship 63 BC


A Levels Classics Mind Map on Consulship 63 BC, created by hattiedg on 04/18/2014.
Mind Map by hattiedg, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hattiedg almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Consulship 63 BC
  1. Campaign
    1. His best chances of winning the consulship had been the law courts - which he had excelled in so far
      1. He stayed in Rome during the 2 years between his praetorship + consulship - a lesson he learnt in Sicily
        1. The defence of Gaius Cornelius
          1. He made his first speech in the senate On the Egyptian Kingdom - about Crassus (blocking his plans)
            1. A very greedy + materialistic man
              1. He demonstrated that he could + would support the senatorial elite, was 1 step closer to earning backing of the traditionalists
              2. His competition
                1. Antonius
                  1. Member of the nobility
                    1. Teamed up with Catiline
                    2. Catiline
                      1. Member of the nobility
                        1. Cicero had discounted him, as he was pending trial for crimes committed as governor the year before - any many facing criminal proceedings in Rome was forbidden from standing as a candidate in the electoral campaign
                          1. It seems his guilt was obvious to all - however within a month something obviously changed to make his acquittal look like a forgone conclusion - even Cicero started to consider defending him
                            1. Cicero evidently hoped to win his support - but in the end did not defend him. Catiline clearly believed correctly he didn't need to rely on the services of Cicero, he was acquitted meaning he could stand to be elected for consul
                          2. Cicero spoke out about him, accusing him of acts such as violating the laws + law courts, + every form of sexual perversion
                        2. Election results - Cicero 1st, Antonius 2nd (Catline 3rd)
                        3. Events
                          1. Caesar began to show he did not intend to stay in the shadows of men like Crassus + Pompey
                            1. Formed an alliance with Crassus
                            2. Opposition to Rullus
                            3. Significance
                              1. Cicero's whole political career had been gearing towards consulship
                                1. Was voted in first place in election
                                  1. His election was a result of his hard work, determination + patriotism
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