
LIFE COACHING (MOD 6) Mind Map on RESISTANCES, created by wezzbox on 08/05/2013.
Mind Map by wezzbox, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wezzbox over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. ANYTHING that gets in the way of the coaching relationship
    1. Client can bring resistance with him/her
      1. Client can have resistance activated during coaching
        1. Resistance can be present at any stage of the relationship
          1. Most clients are ambivalent when they first meet coach
            1. Anxieties about changing
              1. Anxieties about the coaching process
                1. e.g. talking openly about themselves
                  1. personal pain
                    1. be there reluctantly (sent by employer, etc.)
                      1. resistance to work and commitment required for change
                      2. embarrasment
                    2. CLIENT'S BELIEFS
                      1. 'shouldn't need help'
                        1. 'people should know themselves'
                          1. 'I'm sick or inadequate if I need coaching'
                            1. 'I'm a failure by being here'
                            2. POOR COACHING SKILLS
                              1. unrewarded listening
                                1. Coach's own resistances
                                  1. prejudices
                                    1. fatigue
                                      1. burnout
                                        1. stress
                                        2. lack of empathy
                                        3. SHOWN BY...
                                          1. the way a client communicates
                                            1. SILENCE the most common
                                              1. continual laughing
                                                1. constant talking
                                                  1. intellectualising / distancing
                                                    1. emotional scenes
                                                      1. denial
                                                        1. "everything is wonderful"
                                                          1. "I have everything under control"
                                                          2. breaking / changing appointments
                                                            1. behaving seductively
                                                              1. angry outbursts
                                                                1. cynicism
                                                              2. DEALING WITH ...
                                                                1. Use active listening skills
                                                                  1. builds trust & rapport
                                                                    1. core conditions
                                                                    2. Join with clients
                                                                      1. Give permission to discuss fears and reluctance
                                                                        1. Initial invitation to co-operate
                                                                          1. help clients see reasons for co-operation
                                                                            1. offer rewards
                                                                              1. to silent clients for talking
                                                                              2. AVOID LISTENING BLOCKS
                                                                                1. Directing / control
                                                                                  1. judging
                                                                                    1. preaching / patronising
                                                                                      1. lebeling /diagnosing
                                                                                        1. humoring
                                                                                          1. not accepting client's feelings
                                                                                            1. advising /teaching
                                                                                              1. interrogating
                                                                                                1. over-interpreting
                                                                                                  1. self-disclosing
                                                                                                    1. expert facade
                                                                                                      1. faking attention
                                                                                                        1. placing time pressures
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