
Mind Map on SEMANTICS, created by Angie Cuervo on 20/02/2017.
Angie Cuervo
Mind Map by Angie Cuervo, updated more than 1 year ago
Angie Cuervo
Created by Angie Cuervo about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Semantics is the study of meaning in language. Meaning is a much less tangible notion than those introduces in the above chapters on phonology, morphology and syntax
    1. Meaning
      1. is the relation between the images, what we know, the mental representation and the word or symbol we give it
      2. Semantics and pragmatics
        1. pragmatics is the study of the aspects of meaning and language that depend in the speaker speech or context
        2. Phonetics
          1. studies the physical side of linguistic utterance, the articulation and perception of speech sounds
            1. Phonology
              1. is the study of sound patterns of human language which can change when we have a language given
            2. Morphology
              1. is the study of a word and how every single part that integrates it and how them can change its meaning
              2. Syntax
                1. is the study of the formation of sentences
              3. Philosophical semantics looks at the relations between linguistic expressions and the phenomena in the nonlinguistic world to which they refer and examines the conditions under which they are true or false.
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