Topic 4B: Principles of Selection and Adaptation of Poems


Bachelors Degree Teaching Songs and Poetry for Young Learners Mind Map on Topic 4B: Principles of Selection and Adaptation of Poems, created by eyrahzuraidi on 22/04/2014.
Mind Map by eyrahzuraidi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eyrahzuraidi about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Topic 4B: Principles of Selection and Adaptation of Poems
  1. Selection of Poems for Young Learners
    1. Purposes of Using Poetry
      1. provides enjoyment
        1. helps to develop confidence in using English
          1. encourages the use of correct stress and intonation in English speech
            1. help to develop interest in words and word usage in new ways to achieve certain effects
              1. helps to introduce new vocabulary and word order
                1. present the use of ordinary words in new ways helps to sharpen pupils' senses and appreciation of language
                  1. helps pupils to remember and memorize them easily
                    1. help to expand students' knowledge about the world
                      1. help students to identify with people and situations
                        1. express moods familiar to pupils
                          1. give insights into pupils and their feelings
                          2. Criteria for Poetry Selection
                            1. Learner Levels
                              1. suit students' level in terms of text difficulty and language complexity (vocabulary,structure)
                              2. Cultural Considerations
                                1. cultural biasness
                                  1. sensitivity to the impact of culturally-induced behavior
                                    1. familiarity to learners' background knowledge
                                      1. use of words or expression which are perceived as inappriopriate
                                      2. Students' Interest
                                        1. prefer narrative poems over lyric poems as compared to free verse and haiku
                                          1. humorous poems, poems about animals and enjoyable familiar experiences
                                            1. limericks are children's favored form.
                                              1. prefer poems that have pronounced sound patterns of all kinds, but especially enjoy poems that rhyme
                                                1. prefer poems with regular, distinctive beats (rhythm)
                                                  1. not easy to understand the elements of imagery and figurative language
                                                  2. Other Considerations
                                                    1. rhyme, humorous narrative, and content based on familiar experiences
                                                      1. enthusiasm declines as children get older
                                                        1. favor contemporary over traditional poems
                                                          1. use of minimal complex imagery and subtle emotion
                                                            1. lively poems with exciting meters and rhythms
                                                              1. should emphasize the sounds of language and encourage play with words
                                                                1. allow children to expand their imaginations
                                                                  1. should tell simple stories and introduce stirring scenes of action
                                                                    1. should not have been written down to children's supposed level
                                                                      1. allow children to interpret, to feel and to put themselves into the poems
                                                                        1. should delight children, say something to them, enhance their egos, strike happy recollections, tickle their funny bones, encourage them to explore
                                                                          1. should be good enough to stand up under repeated readings
                                                                      2. Techniques
                                                                        1. marching to rhymes
                                                                          1. listening to rhymes
                                                                            1. rhyming cloze
                                                                              1. poem pictures
                                                                                1. word endings
                                                                                  1. poem performances
                                                                                    1. poetry play
                                                                                      1. finger poems and action poems
                                                                                        1. poem posters
                                                                                          1. poem puzzles
                                                                                            1. poetry and prose
                                                                                              1. word match
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