A long walk home


Mind Map on A long walk home, created by Dimi Martins on 28/04/2014.
Dimi Martins
Mind Map by Dimi Martins, updated more than 1 year ago
Dimi Martins
Created by Dimi Martins almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

A long walk home
  1. 1. remote village
    1. 2. miles away
      1. 3. on the condition that
        1. 4. to be serviced
          1. 5. hardly ever
            1. 6. readily accepted
    2. 7. pick up
      1. 8. dropped off the car
        1. 9. immersed in
          1. 10. completely lost track of time
            1. 11. major repairs
      2. 12. apologize
        1. 13. tell the truth/ tell lies
          1. 14. show up
            1. 15. rush of guilt
              1. 16. feebly confessed
        2. 17. bring up
          1. 18. failure
            1. 19. contemplate
              1. 20. utterances
                1. 21. relent
                  1. 22. plead
          2. 23. the most successful lesson
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