79. People use Look and Feel as Their First Indicator of Trust


Mind Map on 79. People use Look and Feel as Their First Indicator of Trust, created by Sara Custer on 09/03/2017.
Sara Custer
Mind Map by Sara Custer, updated more than 1 year ago
Sara Custer
Created by Sara Custer over 7 years ago

Resource summary

79. People use Look and Feel as Their First Indicator of Trust
  1. In a study completed in 2004, by Elizabeth Sillence, it was determined that most (83%) of people reported NOT trusting a website based on design factors, such as poor navigation and color, etc.
    1. However, in the same study, 74% reported trusting a website based on content and source
    2. In the book, “The Geography of Bliss” (2009), Eric Weiner investigates the world's happiest people. The common thread in all of them is an element of trust.
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