Lymphatic Vessels


university Physiology Mind Map on Lymphatic Vessels, created by nonstopcrammer on 01/05/2014.
Mind Map by nonstopcrammer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nonstopcrammer almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Lymphatic Vessels
  1. lymphatic capillaries
    1. a single layer of endothelial cells located on an incomplete basement membrane
    2. collecting vessels
      1. layer of smooth muscle
        1. valves
        2. lymph propulsions
          1. muscle contraction
            1. valves
              1. blood flows in one direction only
            2. Oedema
              1. an excessive accumulation of tissue fluid
                1. causative factors
                  1. high arterial pressure
                    1. venous blockage/ poor venous return
                      1. leak of plasma protein
                        1. decrease in plasma protein concentration
                          1. Increased capillary permeability- inflammation
                            1. Blockage of a lymphatic vessel- elaphantisis
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