Changing gender identity


A - Level Sociology (Identity ) Mind Map on Changing gender identity, created by Yasmine King on 21/03/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Changing gender identity
  1. Postmodernists
    1. There are now a range of feminie and masculine identities available
    2. Connell
      1. Hegemonic masculinity
        1. Traditional/ dominant form of masculinity.
        2. Complicit masculinity
          1. Men who believe that men and women should share roles within families- the new man
          2. Subordinate masculinity
            1. Masculinities which are less powerful and carry lower status- homosexuals
            2. Marginalised masculinity
              1. A masculine identity held by those men who traditionally did masculine jobs and now feel under threat
            3. Abbott
              1. Men are now more interested fashion grooming. Keener interest in their clothes, hair and personal apperance
              2. Nixon
                1. Creation of the New Man, after Levi's laundrette
                2. Mort
                  1. New Man, changes in consumption patterns were accompanied by the sexualisation of the male body
                  2. Jackson
                    1. Ladettes, assertive femininity
                    2. Sharpe
                      1. Females becoming more assertive
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