RS Year 9 Exam Revision


GCSE Religion Mind Map on RS Year 9 Exam Revision, created by Alex Howard on 05/07/2014.
Alex Howard
Mind Map by Alex Howard, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Howard
Created by Alex Howard over 10 years ago

Resource summary

RS Year 9 Exam Revision
  1. Buddhism
    1. Noble Eightfold path
      1. If you follow this you are following the 'middle path' which is the perfect balance in life leading to enlightenment.
        1. Right Speech
          1. Right Thought
            1. Right Action
              1. Right Mindfulness
                1. Right Understanding
                  1. Right Effort
                    1. Right Livelihood
                      1. Right Concentration
                      2. The Amazing 4
                        1. Dharma
                          1. The practice of Buddha's teachings.
                          2. Sangha
                            1. A Buddhist community.
                            2. Nirvana
                              1. State of perfect happiness.
                              2. Karma
                                1. What you have done in the past comes back to you later.
                              3. Four Noble Truths
                                1. 1. Suffering is always there.
                                  1. 2. Suffering is caused by greed.
                                    1. This brings suffering as things are always changing.
                                    2. 3. Accept things always change (impermanence). Treat every moment as your last.
                                      1. 4. Following the Eightfold Path brings Nirvana and peace.
                                    3. Ethics
                                      1. Utilitarianism
                                        1. Do what is right for the greater good.
                                          1. Human rights go out of the window, you base your decision on the method which keeps the most people happy.
                                          2. Deontology
                                            1. Always think about human rights.
                                              1. Never do anything bad, even for a good outcome.
                                                1. Never steal, lie or break promises.
                                              2. Situation Ethics
                                                1. Base your decision on the situation.
                                                  1. No set rules as every situation is different.
                                                    1. Try and be kind but you don't need to stick to human rights if the situation is bad.
                                                    2. Ethics are a set of morals or rules that you use and go by in life.
                                                    3. The Big 4
                                                      1. Forgiveness - Accepting that someone has done wrong and treating them the same as before they did wrong.
                                                        1. Justice - Giving fairness to someone who has not received it.
                                                          1. Fairness - Treating every living being equally and with as much respect.
                                                            1. Racism - Discrimination towards people of other ethics, race or colour just because they are different.
                                                            2. Media
                                                              1. Effects of the media.
                                                                1. Positive
                                                                  1. Teaches about the environment.
                                                                    1. Entertains us.
                                                                      1. Allows us to communicate easily.
                                                                      2. Negative
                                                                        1. Encourages violence.
                                                                          1. Allows humiliation of others.
                                                                            1. Wastes time which could be spent learning.
                                                                          2. Effects of media on religion.
                                                                            1. Positive
                                                                              1. Teaches you about diversity and different religions.
                                                                                1. Allows you to understand and respect others.
                                                                              2. Negative
                                                                                1. For entertainment religions are sometimes mocked.
                                                                                  1. News gives negative views to society.
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