Montserrat Case Study


GCSE Georgrpahy 'Restless Earth'
Mind Map by CiaranHaldenby, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CiaranHaldenby over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Montserrat Case Study
  1. Causes
    1. North American Plate subducts under the Caribbean
      1. Destructive Plate Boundary
      2. Primary Effects
        1. Plymouth - The capital became a ghost town
          1. 23 people died in 1997
            1. 50% of the population were evacuated to the north
              1. 2/3 of the island was covered in ash
              2. Secondary Effects
                1. Few services such as school or proper hospitals can develop due to no investments on the country
                  1. 50% of the population left and never came back
                    1. The southern area was destroyed and any remaining inhabitants had to endure harsh living conditions in the north
                    2. Immediate Responses
                      1. British government gave money for compensation and redevelopment
                        1. Around £41 million from britain
                        2. Long Term Responses
                          1. An exclusion zone was set up in the volcanic regions
                          2. Positive Effects
                            1. New roads and new airport were built
                              1. Services in the north of the island were expanded
                              2. Negative Effects
                                1. Rice and electronics assembly industry has collapsed
                                2. Monitoring and Prediction
                                  1. Using seismometers to listen to the rumbling of the volcano as magma moves owards the surface
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