Cold Environments: The Global Distribution of Cold Environments


A Levels Geography (Physical Geography-AS) Mind Map on Cold Environments: The Global Distribution of Cold Environments, created by Andrew_Ellinas on 05/08/2014.
Mind Map by Andrew_Ellinas, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Andrew_Ellinas almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Cold Environments: The Global Distribution of Cold Environments
  1. Cold Environments of the Past
    1. About 18,000 years ago, much of the Northern Hemisphere was plunged into an ice age. In the UK, only Southern Britain escaped being covered in ice.
      1. Scientists believe that this was one of as many as 20 glacial periods - each one separated by a warmer inter-glacial period.
        1. Collectively, this period of time-lasting from 2 million years ago until about 8000 years ago - is known as the ice age.
        2. Cold Environments of the Past
          1. In the most extreme environments such as parts of Antarctica, the temperature can stay well below 0 degrees C throughout the year - sometimes plummeting to as low as -60 degrees C.
            1. Other, less extreme , clod environments simply experience cold winters, such as the Alps in Europe or the Rockies in Canada
            2. Global Distribution of Cold Environments
              1. Polar: These are the most extreme cold environments. In winter, temperatures often drop to -50 degrees C. They include Antarctica, Greenland and some of the islands inside the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, such as Spitzbergen. Despite the Snowy image of these polar environments, they are very dry - with relatively low amounts of precipitation. There are also extensive areas of sea ice, particularly in the Arctic.
                1. Alpine: Mountain areas, such as the Rockies and the Alps, experience very cold winters and heavy snow, High altitude causes the temperature to drop to -1o degrees C or less. The extreme winter cold is replaced in the summer with warmer weather, where the temperature can even exceed 20 degrees C.
                  1. Periglacial: This literally means 'edge' of glacier. Periglacial environments are found on the fringes of polar or glacial environments, e.g. in parts of Siberia, Canada and Greenland. Periglacial areas experience permanently frozen ground (permafrost). During their brief warmer summers, the ground surface layer thaws - enabling hardy plants to grow. Periglacial environments are not permanently covered by ice.
                    1. Glacial: These environments are specifically associated with glaciers. While some enormous glaciers are found in polar environments, most of the world's actively moving glaciers are found high up in alpine mountain regions. The heavy winter snowfall in those areas provides the ice to feed the glaciers. Then, in the summer, meltwater lubricates the glaciers - helping them to move like giant conveyor belts down the alpine valleys
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