GCE Core Mathematics 2


AS Level AS Mathematics (Core Mathematics 2) Mind Map on GCE Core Mathematics 2, created by AD_ on 05/08/2014.
Mind Map by AD_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by AD_ over 10 years ago

Resource summary

GCE Core Mathematics 2
  1. Algebra & functions
    1. Divide polynomial
      1. Factor Theorem
        1. Remainder theorem
        2. The sine & cosine rule
          1. Sine Rule
            1. 2 Solutions
              1. Cosine
                1. Trigonometric ratios
                  1. Pythagoras' theorem
                    1. Area
                    2. Exponentials & logarithms
                      1. Power
                        1. Logarithm
                          1. Base 10 using calculators
                            1. Law of logarithms
                              1. ax = b
                                1. Base of logarithm
                                2. Coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane
                                  1. Mid-point
                                    1. Perpendicular
                                      1. Distance
                                        1. Equation of Circle
                                          1. Chord
                                            1. Tangent
                                            2. The binomial expansion
                                              1. Pascal's triangle
                                                1. Factorial notation
                                                  1. Binomial theorem
                                                  2. Radian measure & its applications
                                                    1. Radian
                                                      1. Length of arc
                                                        1. Area of sector
                                                          1. Area of segment
                                                          2. Geometric sequences & series
                                                            1. Geometric Sequence
                                                              1. Sum of geometric series
                                                                1. Sum of infinity of geometric series
                                                                2. Graph of trigonometric functions
                                                                  1. Trigonometric functions
                                                                    1. Quadrants
                                                                      1. Graphs of sin, cos, tan
                                                                        1. Transformations on graphs of sin, cos, tan
                                                                        2. Differentiation
                                                                          1. Increasing & decreasing functions
                                                                            1. Stationary Points
                                                                              1. Apply knowledge to solve problems
                                                                              2. Trigonometrical identities & simple equations
                                                                                1. Integration
                                                                                  1. Area beneath curve
                                                                                    1. Area between line & curve
                                                                                      1. Trapezium rule
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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