Research on monotropy and multiple attachments


A-Levels Psychology A-Level AQA A (Unit 1 Attachment and early social development) Mind Map on Research on monotropy and multiple attachments, created by moeingthelawn on 10/05/2014.
Mind Map by moeingthelawn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by moeingthelawn almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Research on monotropy and multiple attachments
  1. BOWLBY (1969)
    1. Infants need one special attachment relationship in order to develop a (positive) internal working model, which is the basis for all other relationships
      1. The internal working model is an organismal schema that is concerned with the relationship between oneself and one's primary caregiver
        1. Without having one primary sensitive caregiver, an infant would be unable to form an internal working model which would have a negative effect on their future relationships
        2. In some cultures, children have multiple attachments with many caregivers and still develop into psychologically healthy adults
          1. THOMAS (1998)
            1. May be more desirable to have network of attachments to accommodate for various social and emotional needs of a growing infant
              1. In some cultures, multiple attachments are the norm
              2. PARKE (1981)
                1. Even in Western European cultures, infants form several attachments which are all beneficial due to their qualitative differences
                  1. Father's style of play is often physically stimulating, whereas mothers more likely to soothe infants and read them stories
              3. SCHAFFER and EMERSON (1964)
                1. Even though infants form multiple attachments, they usually have one primary attachment
                2. TRONICK ET AL. (1992)
                  1. Studied the Efe tribe who live in extended family groups
                    1. Infants are looked after and breastfed by different women (whoever is available), but sleep with their own mother
                      1. By the age of 12 months, infants still showed a preference for their mothers
                        1. Infant still has single primary attachment with mother
                      2. FOX (1977)
                        1. Studied children who spend most of their time with nurses, but see their mothers for a few hours each day after work
                          1. When in the Strange Situation, children were equally upset and distressed at absence of mother or nurse
                            1. However, children were more comforted by mother's reunion
                              1. Suggests that despite having multiple carers, infants still had one special attachment
                            2. The nurses changed frequently and divided their attention among many children
                              1. Children were less attached to nurse
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