Multimedia presentationsused in the marketing process.


Mind Map on Multimedia presentations, created by Archie Moran on 18/04/2017.
Archie Moran
Mind Map by Archie Moran, updated more than 1 year ago
Archie Moran
Created by Archie Moran over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Multimedia presentationsused in the marketing process.
  1. A multimedia presentation differs from a normal presentation
    1. A multimedia presentation contained some form of animation or media
      1. Typically a multimedia presentation contained at least one of the following elements:
        1. Animation, sound-(this could a voice over, back ground music or sound clips)
        2. Multimedia presentations can include many forms of material, such as:
          1. Video presentations, still image, text and many more
          2. Just about any electronic media can be used now to enable business to effectively communicate their message to different people
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