Batch or Continuous


Mind Map on Batch or Continuous, created by Zozaaa on 12/05/2014.
Mind Map by Zozaaa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Zozaaa almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Batch or Continuous
  1. Large amounts of chemical
    1. Ammonia - fertilizers
      1. Advantages
      2. Small amounts of chemical
        1. A set amount each time
          1. Medicines
            1. Drug costs
              1. Research and testing (3 - 4 years +)
                1. Need to make sure it actually works
                  1. Clinical trials
                    1. Similar compounds can be produce to try to reduce side effects
                  2. Toxicology tests, animal testing, human trials
                  3. Energy costs
                    1. Development time
                      1. Labour costs
                        1. Raw materials
                          1. Marketing, legal costs
                        2. Advantages
                          1. Supply + Demand
                            1. Medicines have a best before date
                            2. Disadvantages
                              1. Has to be supervised so labour costs are high
                                1. Vessels are not used as efficiently as a continuous process
                              2. Large amounts of chemical
                                1. Keeps going, do not switch off!
                                  1. Advantages
                                    1. Works at full capacity for high demand
                                      1. Makes a large amount of product
                                        1. Kept running at optimum conditions
                                          1. Less energy to maintain than to stop and start the process
                                          2. Ammonia - Fertilizers
                                            1. Sulphuric Acid - Different compounds
                                            2. Disadvantages
                                              1. Costs an enormous amount to build
                                                1. If production is slowed, efficiency decreases
                                                  1. Product becomes more expensive
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