Battle Of Hastings


GCSE General Mind Map on Battle Of Hastings, created by Robert wallace on 28/04/2017.
Robert wallace
Mind Map by Robert wallace, updated more than 1 year ago
Robert wallace
Created by Robert wallace over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Battle Of Hastings
  1. Took place in 1066
    1. William The Conquer was crowned on 25th of December 1066
      1. Took place in the area called Battle. It was only named this after the Battle of Hastings
        1. Harold was weak and therefore took the postion on top of the Hill so that he had an advantage
          1. But William had multiple troops
            1. They were, archers, infantry and the winners of the battle the cavalry
            2. The wall that the Saxons made a shield wall which was almost impregnable but then some of William's troops started to retreat
              1. The Saxons couldn't help but go after them
                1. This made a hole in thew shield wall and the Saxons which had ran after the retreating Normans were cut down by Norman cavarly
                  1. This tactic was repeated again and again
                    1. After the majority of the Saxons were dead or dying the Normans fired arrows down on the and this killed Harold Godwinson
                      1. After that a death squad came and finished of Harold
                        1. It is said that William sat and ate dinner in the Battle field of the dying and the dead saxons.
              1. Link for BBC Bitesize link on Normans
              2. There were three contenders to the English throne
                1. Harold Hardrada
                  1. William of Normandy
                    1. Harold Godwinson
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