The Bloody Code


Mind Map on The Bloody Code, created by laurahaig on 13/05/2014.
Mind Map by laurahaig, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurahaig almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Bloody Code
  1. Was gradually introduced between 1500- 1750
    1. The upper/ middle classes enforced laws that protected their interests and property
    2. Death penalty increasingly used with the introduction to the Black Act in 1723
      1. but juries willing to convict did not want people to hang
        1. 1714 Transportation act= more transportations
      2. Because there was no professional police force or prison system, the authorities relied more and more on harsh physical punishments to maintain law and order and to protect property rights - known as Bloody Code
        1. Highway Robbery, poaching and smuggling all became 'capital punishments under the bloody code
          1. Medieval punishments continued in the Early Modern period:
            1. Physical- Whipping and mutilation
              1. Humiliation - Stocks and pillory
                1. Fines
                  1. Hanging,drawing and quartered for treason (not for nobles)
                  2. Success or Failure?
                    1. Failure:
                      1. Public executions were no longer effective. They were supposed to deter people from crime but often became a day out for families
                        1. Judges and juries were unwilling to convict people for minor offences because the punishment was harsh and unfair
                          1. around 30% of accused people were acquitted
                          2. Transportation was used as an alternative
                            1. Some criminals showed no remorse or 'died game'
                            2. Success:
                              1. It acted as a deterrent e.g. highway robbery declined by the 18th century
                                1. The media increased the fear of crime and the introduction of bloody code reduced this fear
                                  1. Helped protect property
                                    1. Removed the criminal
                                  2. Had a limited impact however as the number of executions seemed to have fallen rather than rise despite more crimes being punishable by death
                                    1. anyone who showed remorse or regret was likely to be let off hanging
                                      1. Many were pardoned or let off because witnesses spoke about their good character in trials
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