Autism Support


Mind Map of my work with Autism
Helen Henderson
Mind Map by Helen Henderson, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by lyndsay.king over 9 years ago
Helen Henderson
Copied by Helen Henderson over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Autism Support
  1. Parents
    1. Support
      1. Information
        1. Guidance
          1. Groups
          2. Schools
            1. Training
              1. Other Professionals
                1. Environmental Check
                2. Teachers and Support Staff
                  1. Curriculum
                    1. Support
                      1. Knowledge and Understanding
                      2. Dificulties with..
                        1. Social Understanding
                          1. Theory of Mind
                            1. don't understand that others have a different viewpoint
                            2. Central Coherence
                              1. inability to see the BIG picture
                              2. Sensory Processing
                                1. sights sounds, clothing, smells
                                2. Context
                                  1. communication
                                    1. language, ie jokes, idioms
                                    2. Personal Development
                                      1. Training
                                        1. Providing and Receiving
                                        2. Developing Resource Bank
                                          1. Evidence - Practice File
                                            1. Inreach Booklet
                                            2. Help?
                                              1. Learning Style
                                                1. Visuals
                                                  1. Parenting Groups/Individual Parenting
                                                    1. Autism Friendly Environment
                                                      1. Understanding and Accommodation
                                                        1. Training and Support
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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                                                        Autism Support
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