

Year 7 Religious Studies Mind Map on Buddhism, created by Vishaali Ramesh on 10/05/2017.
Vishaali Ramesh
Mind Map by Vishaali Ramesh, updated more than 1 year ago
Vishaali Ramesh
Created by Vishaali Ramesh over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The beggining of Buddhism
    1. Prince Siddhartha
      1. Prince Siddhartha was a prince in Northen India. His father didnt want him to see suffereing so he didnt let him leave the castle walls.One day, prince siddhartha left the castle walls and saw 4 different sights.(old age, sickness, death and a holy man wandering)
        1. The prince wanted to find an answer to all suffring. He did this by leaving his home and becoming a holy man.The prince became a holy man and only ate 1 grain of rice a day. He vowed to himself that he wold sit under a tree and meditate until he had found the answer to all sufereing
    2. Life of a Buddha
      1. Life of luxury
        1. Four sights
          1. Asceticism
            1. Middle way Meditation
              1. Enlightment
                1. teaching(Becomes known a Buddha)
                2. Three Universal Rules
                  1. Annica-Means everything changes in the universe
                    1. Dukkha-Everybody suffers. Suffering is everywhere in the cycle
                      1. Anatta-There is no permanent self. You will always change.
                      2. The four noble truths
                        1. No one can escape suffering. Everyone will suffer once in a while.
                          1. If you crave for pleasure then you still wont feel happy
                            1. If you crave for something then you will also suffer from it. If you want to get rid of an illness you musn't have craving
                              1. If you are either rich or poor you ca still find the middle way. If you follow the buddhists teachings then you can have cravings.
                              2. The eightfold path
                                1. Right view
                                  1. Right intention
                                    1. right speech
                                      1. Right action
                                        1. right livelihood
                                          1. right effort
                                            1. right concetration
                                              1. right mindfullness
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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