
Mind Map on NEGATIVE PREFIXES, created by Marina Domingo on 10/05/2017.
Marina Domingo
Mind Map by Marina Domingo, updated more than 1 year ago
Marina Domingo
Created by Marina Domingo over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. UN
    1. able- unable
      1. tidy-untidu
        1. comfortable-uncomfortable
          1. popular-unpopular
            1. empoyed-unployed
              1. countable-uncountable
                1. real-unreal
                2. DIS
                  1. honest-dishonest
                    1. agree-disagree
                      1. like-dislike
                        1. arrned-disarmed
                          1. ability-Disabilty
                            1. able-Disable
                            2. il
                              1. legal-illegal
                                1. legible-illegible
                                  1. logical-illogical
                                    1. letrate-illiterate
                                      1. In the negative we put double l
                                      2. im
                                        1. possible-Impossible
                                          1. patient-Impatient
                                            1. polite-Impolite
                                              1. perfect-Imperfect
                                              2. Short adjectives
                                                1. small adjectives (comparatives)
                                                  1. Normal rule: we add "er"
                                                    1. -Talll- taller, small-smaller, short shorter
                                                    2. Ending in vowwel: we onlly add "r"
                                                      1. 1-Nice-nicer, 2-Wise-wiser, 3-Mide-mider
                                                      2. Double consonant: we add double consonant
                                                        1. 1- Big-bigger, 2-Fatt-fatter, 3-Tin-thinner
                                                        2. Other adjectives
                                                          1. 1- Good-better, 2-Bad-worse,
                                                        3. Long adjectives
                                                          1. we add "more" if they are long if they have more than 3 sylables.
                                                            1. 1-Beautifull
                                                              1. Terrorific
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