limited capacity attention


6 - Attention Mind Map on limited capacity attention, created by db56hse on 15/05/2013.
Mind Map by db56hse, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by db56hse almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

limited capacity attention
  1. brain limited in amount of information in outside world it can take in at one time
    1. Kahneman: within the brain is a 'limited-capacity central processor' responsible for analysing incoming information and integrating it with that already held
      1. idea supported by dual-task study that found people responded more slowly to a letter and a tone presented simultaneously
        1. replicated study requiring different responses found that response time was not slowed - suggests that may have different pools of resources for different tasks - not one central processor
          1. led to multiple resource theories of attention although difficult to establish how they are divided for different senses / information
            1. could be different levels of the system
            2. idea is important as we are aware of processing limitations in everyday life - different kinds of theory useful in stimulating research into how 'system' works
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