The Berlin Blockade 1948-1949


Mind Map on The Berlin Blockade 1948-1949, created by Sophia Hinchliffe on 02/06/2017.
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Mind Map by Sophia Hinchliffe , updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia  Hinchliffe
Created by Sophia Hinchliffe over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Berlin Blockade 1948-1949
  1. Stalins desire to get the western allies out of west Berlin and get control of the whole city. He cut off all transport links (road, rail, canal) between the west and Berlin to stop supplies
    1. West Berlin was determined to not give into Stalin, very few accepted his offer of more rations for moving to the east, many crowds gathered to ask the west for help
      1. Truman had a dilema, if he did nothing his containment promise would look weak, if he sent troops he could start war
        1. the blockade was a challenge and Stalin was taking a risk, he could know what Truman would do risking war
          1. it also tested the Truman Doctrine and whether he would back his words with actions, Stalin through he wouldn't do this over Berlin
            1. it was the start of many stand offs
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