Distributed Leadership & Effects on Continuous Improvement


Mind Map on Distributed Leadership & Effects on Continuous Improvement, created by Joshua Tawney on 13/07/2017.
Joshua Tawney
Mind Map by Joshua Tawney, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Tawney
Created by Joshua Tawney almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Distributed Leadership & Effects on Continuous Improvement
  1. Collaboration
    1. Allows for individuals to "share the load"
      1. Sharing of quality ideas and resources
        1. Student centered process
          1. Too many voices to be heard
            1. Loss of focus on task at hand
              1. Some individuals may be 'stuck in their ways'
                1. More complex tasks can be completed
                2. Shewart Cycle
                  1. Plan
                    1. Provides vision and direction
                      1. Could become "stuck" in phase
                        1. Process oriented so percieved 'failure' of one piece could lead to complete failure/breakdown
                        2. Definitive set of goals/outcomes
                          1. Step-by-step plan REQUIRED
                        3. Do
                          1. Implement changes
                            1. Possibility for new and exciting learning, strategies, etc.
                              1. Discovery of new learning strategies that enhance individual learning
                              2. Refusa/Resistnacel to change
                              3. Check
                                1. Results provide insight, data and information for future change or continued improvment
                                  1. How did the changes allow for growth of students AND educators?
                                  2. Act (Analyze)
                                    1. What can be done?
                                      1. Now what?
                                      2. What was successful?
                                        1. What "failed"?
                                          1. What needs changed/revised?
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