B.M Kroll - Writing Aquisition - A2 English Lang


Mind Map on B.M Kroll - Writing Aquisition - A2 English Lang, created by Garth Wenman on 02/06/2014.
Garth Wenman
Mind Map by Garth Wenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Garth Wenman
Created by Garth Wenman almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

B.M Kroll - Writing Aquisition - A2 English Lang
  1. Preparatory - Up to Age Six
    1. -Child develops the the fine motor skills needed to write
      1. Child learns the basic rules of the spelling system
      2. Consolidation - Ages Six to Eight
        1. Written mode much like spoken mode
          1. Write in simple sentences and use simple coordinating conjunctions
          2. Differentiation - Ages Eight to Mid Teens
            1. Differentiate between written and spoke mode
              1. Develop a use of subordinate clauses and more complicated conjunctions
                1. Develop a knowledge of discourse, genre (SPAG) and grammar conventions
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