

Abortion for and against
Mind Map by Ellie96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Ellie96 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. For
    1. The foetus is just a clump of cells, or at best a potenial life
      1. It's cruel to make a woman go through childbirth if she doesn't want the child
        1. Pregnant teenage girls arent ready for the responsibilities of motherhood or childbirth
          1. An abortion of a disabled foetus is in the best interests of everyone
            1. A woman who has been raped should not have to live with the product of it
              1. No child should be unwanted
                1. Women should have the right to dictate what happens to their bodies
                2. CHRISTIANS
                  1. Christians who support abortion are those who have a realist approach.
                    1. These Christians look at each case individually to decide whether abortion is appropriate
                  2. Against
                    1. Life begins at conception, the embryo should have equal rights
                      1. Effective methods of contraception are available
                        1. Abortion may lead to terrible guilt
                          1. Abortion can cause long term medical problems
                            1. Disabled people are capable of fulfilled, happy lives
                              1. The child can be adopted
                                1. The right to autonomy(having the right to decide) is not absolute. The women's emotional involvment may prevent her from making the righ decision
                                  1. CHRISTIANS
                                    1. Roman Catholics completely oppose abortion
                                      1. This is because the believe that life starts at conveption, and the embryo deserves full rights.
                                        1. As a result of this belief they say that abortion is murder.
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