PNA - Propulsion


Concursos Públicos Praticagem (PNA - Principles of Naval Architecture) Mind Map on PNA - Propulsion, created by Hegner Machado on 06/08/2017.
Hegner Machado
Mind Map by Hegner Machado, updated more than 1 year ago
Hegner Machado
Created by Hegner Machado about 7 years ago

Resource summary

PNA - Propulsion
  1. Section 1 - Powering of Ships
    1. 1.1 Historical
      1. 1.2 Types of Ship Machinery
        1. 1.3 Definition of Power
          1. 1.4 Propulsive Efficiency
          2. Section 2- Propeller Action
            1. 2.1 Momentum Principle
              1. 2.2 General Discussion of Propeller
                1. 2.3 The Momentum Theory of Propeller Action
                  1. 2.4 The Momentum Theory
                    1. 2.5 Blade Element Theory of Screw Propeller
                      1. 2.6 Circulation Theory of Screw Propeller
                      2. Section 4 - Interaction Between Hull and Propeller
                        1. 4.1 General
                          1. 4.2 Wake
                            1. 4.3 Real and Apparent Slip Ratio
                              1. 4.4 Relative Rotative Efficiency
                                1. 4.5 Augment of Resistance and Thrust Deduction
                                  1. 4.6 Hull Efficiency
                                  2. Section 6 - Geometry of the Screw Propeller
                                    1. 6.1 General Characteristics
                                      1. 6.2 Geometry of Helix
                                        1. 6.3 Propeller Drawing
                                          1. 6.4 Constructional Details of Marine Propellers
                                          2. Section 10 - Other Propulsion Devices
                                            1. 10.1 General
                                              1. 10.2 Jet Propulsion
                                                1. 10. 3 Pump Jets
                                                  1. 10. 4 Paddle Wheels
                                                    1. 10.5 Vertical-Axis Propellers
                                                      1. 10.6 Controllable-Pitch Propellers
                                                        1. 10.7 Tandem and Contrarotating Propellers
                                                          1. 10.8 Super-Cavitating Propellers
                                                            1. 10.9 Overlapping propellers
                                                              1. 10.10 Partially Submerged Propeller
                                                                1. 10.11 Other Devices
                                                                2. Section 7 - Cavitation
                                                                  1. 7.1 The Nature of Cavitation
                                                                    1. 7.2 Types of Cavitation
                                                                      1. 7.3 Law of Similitude for Cavitating Propellers
                                                                        1. 7.4 Cavitation Tests With Model Propellers
                                                                          1. 7.5 Presentation of Data
                                                                            1. 7.6 Detrimental effects of cavitation
                                                                              1. 7.7 Criteria for Prevention of Cavitation
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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