Stress and Anxiety


Mind Map on Stress and Anxiety, created by Sprangbreak on 07/06/2014.
Mind Map by Sprangbreak, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Sprangbreak almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Stress and Anxiety
  1. Stress
    1. A stimulus resulting in arousal
      1. Eustress
        1. A positive reaction to stress
          1. Leads to optimum arousal
          2. Stressors
            1. A situation which causes a stressful response
            2. Arousal
              1. A state of readiness to perform
                1. Motivates individuals
                2. Stress Response
                  1. Alarm reaction
                    1. Fight or Flight
                    2. Resistance
                      1. Body adapts to manage situation
                      2. Exhaustion
                        1. Body can no longer cope
                      3. Stress experience
                        1. Indecisivness
                          1. Decreased concentration
                            1. Worry
                              1. Decreased attention span
                            2. Anxiety
                              1. An emotional state similar to fear, assosiated with arousal
                                1. nervousness and apprehension
                                2. Measuring Anxeity
                                  1. Self report questionaires
                                    1. Physiological measurements
                                      1. Observation
                                      2. Types
                                        1. Cognitive
                                          1. Somatic
                                            1. Trait
                                              1. State
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