Nutritional properties


GCSE Food Technology
Beth Muckle
Mind Map by Beth Muckle, updated more than 1 year ago
Beth Muckle
Created by Beth Muckle over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nutritional properties
  1. Food groups
    1. Proteins
      1. Fats
        1. Carbohydrates
          1. Vitamins and minerals
          2. Proteins
            1. Promotes growth and helps body repair itself
              1. Cheese, meats, beans, soya, pulses and fish
              2. Carbohydrates
                1. Starch
                  1. Cereals, bread, pasta and potatoes
                  2. Sugar
                    1. Fruit, vegetables, honey and malt products
                    2. Energy
                    3. Fats
                      1. Saturated
                        1. Animal products: butter, lard, coconut and palm oil
                        2. Polyunsaturated
                          1. Vegetable sources: Sunflower oil
                          2. Insulation and long-term energy reserves
                          3. Vitamins
                            1. Vitamin A
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