The 10 Dominant characteristic of Self-Discipline achiever


Self-Discipline Mind Map on The 10 Dominant characteristic of Self-Discipline achiever, created by Abdou Mohamed on 20/08/2017.
Abdou Mohamed
Mind Map by Abdou Mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Abdou Mohamed
Created by Abdou Mohamed over 6 years ago

Resource summary

The 10 Dominant characteristic of Self-Discipline achiever
  1. 1. Be precise


    • have a specif purpose, well-define goal
    1. 2. Have a positive Role model for inspiration
      1. 3. Vivid imagination for your goal
        1. 4. Positive scenery orientation


          • Expect success rather than failure . word toward your goal as no matter what, you will achieve it
          1. 5. Self-assured


            • Believe in yourself that you can do it, focus on self-assured rather than self-doubt
            1. 6. Ability to plan and organize


              • Break your goal to small chuck, set priorities to accomplish most important thing first
              1. 7. Flexibility for learning


                • Know how and when to acquire a certain knowledge or skill 
                1. 8. Be patient


                  • keep working toward your goal as long as it takes 
                  1. 9. Be persistent


                    • be stubborn, and don't give up for your goal,even if it gets rough and seems so hard to achieve your goal don't quit and keep going 
                    1. 10. Work for pleasure


                      • Work for fun and don't be too stress about your goal and your result ,just  work hard and do your best and enjoy the journey towards your goal
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