
Note on Untitled, created by CaseyAmber on 02/01/2015.
Note by CaseyAmber, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CaseyAmber over 9 years ago

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When making a opening title sequence sound is a very important part. It is important for the sound to be well suited to the film and genre of the movie. It is that important that sound actually come before visual. When it comes to mistakes, Sound is very useful to use to overlap. For example, when filming there may be disturbing noises in the background and to over lap this disturbance sound can be used to overlap. There are two types of sounds that you can use in media. There is Diegetic sound which is sound that comes from things that we can see on the screen, so its sound that is originally from the object. For example the characters voices, sounds made by objects in the scene. Diegetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. Another word for Diegetic sound is 'actual sound'. The second sound piece is Non-diegetic, this is where sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action. This includes narrators commentary, sound effects which is added to have an dramatic effect and also mood music which is music that implies the mood. Another word for this is 'Commentary sound'.When someone speaks in the scene, it is important that they speak quite loud and clear so that their voice is heard in filming. Films would also use microphones and sound recorders so that there isn't any distraction such as wind and noisy surroundings, in the sound and all that is said is heard clearly. Foley is an edited sound that is recorded over top of the visual. This blocks out any disruptions and distractions in the background noise. If sound is recorded separately to the visual then it would be edited and layered over the top so the speech doesn't get effected. 

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