English-noughts and Crosses


Note on English-noughts and Crosses, created by journeyloretta99 on 16/08/2015.
Note by journeyloretta99, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by journeyloretta99 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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English-noughts and Crosses Character-sephy conflict-Lynette funeral Sephys characteristics-naive,kind, shows naivety when she goes to Lynette funeral after all of the conflict between the noughts and the crosses, when she arrives in very expensive and beautiful clothing which feels to the noughts and she is shoving how much money she has in her family, also after sephys mum had fired callums mother for no decent reason and the family was nearly broke, because callums family believed because if all the conflict sephys dad has caused between the two races it was somehow sephys fault that Lynette had died, sephys fault that callums mother got fired even though she wasn't told the full story by her family. sephy showed kindness because she did care about how callum and his family felt and she just wanted to tell them that she understood and that she was very sorry for what had happened to Lynette. sent it a world with reverse racism/dystopia- noughts were generally white and didn't have any money-were called blankers because of there blank skin and there blank brains-weren't aloud the same prevliges as the crosses Crosses-were seen as closer to god,smart and were the superior race lynettes ex-boyfriend who caused her to change was seen as the reason why callums family disliked crosses

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