What Are Dental Crowns?


Note on What Are Dental Crowns?, created by Portia Obrien on 24/12/2022.
Portia  Obrien
Note by Portia Obrien, updated more than 1 year ago
Portia  Obrien
Created by Portia Obrien over 1 year ago

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A crown is a cap that is recommended for a damaged tooth. It can be made from various materials, such as metal or porcelain.   You might have a dental crown for a molar that rarely shows when you laugh or yawn widely or a crown for your front teeth that are designed or colored to other teeth. This article will teach you about dental crowns and how they can help you get whiter or brighter teeth.   What is the factor that you can consider choosing a dental crown? There are various factors you can consider while selecting a dental crown, including Strength Cost Durability   If you are suffering from stained teeth or large holes in your teeth, consider seeking a Houston dentist for dental crowns or veneers that give you both an aesthetic look and functionality.        What is the type of dental crown? There are many kinds of materials used in dental crowns, including Porcelain Composite resin Ceramic Zirconia Metal Or a combination of Materials   When you select the crown material, you should consider factors like   Tooth location How much your tooth will show when you smile Position of your gums The function of your teeth that need a dental crown How many natural teeth remain Color of the surrounding teeth Moreover, you can talk to your dentist about your personal preferences. If you don’t have a dentist consider visiting Houston heights dentistry, they will help you know what is best for you.   Temporary crown A temporary crown is the same as a dental crown. Still, it is applied for a short period till your original crown completes.   Houston heights dentist will place it over your teeth with an adhesive that can be removed easily because it won’t be the permanent crown.   This is done till a permanent crown is made. This crown will be placed on your tooth after it is fabricated.   One-day crown You can get a dental crown in a single appointment. Some dental offices offer dental crowns same day installation because they use CAD(Computer-aided design/Computer-aided manufacturing). Your dentist can fabricate the same day dental crowns near me for ceramic.        Who needs a crown? If you have a large cavity or decay for filling to fill, it may be time for a dental crown. You may need a dental crown if your tooth is: Severe Cracked Worn down Weakened tooth   Your dentist will recommend a dental crown after the treatment of the root canal because, after a root canal, your teeth are more fragile and needs extra support or protection.   You may be a good candidate for dental crowns, and if you have missing teeth, your dentist will place a crown over the tooth implants.   Conclusion Not all dentists have same day crowns Houston technology. You should ask a dentist for same-day appliances or if they provide any other dental appliance alternatives. Moreover, you can ask your dentist about the cost of the treatment; if you have dental insurance, you can ask your insurance provider about the coverage.   Article Source  : https://www.ihealthytips.com/what-are-dental-crowns/

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