Build up 31


Dit zijn de lijst 31 van Build Up
Wessel Paans
Note by Wessel Paans, updated more than 1 year ago
Wessel Paans
Created by Wessel Paans over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

to join in = meedoen to dive = duiken diver = duiker to row = roeien soccer = voetbal contest = wedstrijd medal = medaille to go in for sports = aan sport doen athletics = atletiek ice rink = ijsbaan popular = populair indoor = overdekt tennis court = tennisbaan to reach = bereiken to perform = presteren performance = prestatie facilities = faciliteiten prize = prijs artificial = kunst-(matig) to exchange/to swap = ruilen/uitwisselen league = competitie to fail = verzuimen/ iets niet doen to support = steunen support = steun sailboard = zeilplank to become = worden

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