
Contribute to establish a school culture of acceptance, tolerance and respect.
patricia sierra
Note by patricia sierra, updated more than 1 year ago
patricia sierra
Created by patricia sierra over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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PRADO VERANIEGO SCHOOL TECHENGLISH PROJECT: PEACE EDUCATION MODULE TWO TEACHER: MARTHA JEANNETTE VARGAS SECOND TERM THESIS: The best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. CONTENTS: PREVENTING BULLYING ACHIEVEMENT: Contribute to establish a school culture of acceptance, tolerance and respect. SKILLS: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Class participation and collaboration 15% Use of class time 15% Classwork and use of the resources 15% Tests 25% Presentation of the project 20% Self-assessment 10% STUDENT: ___________________________________________­­­­­­­___________ CLASS: _________ 1- VOCABULARY: Write the definition of the following words (in English) Safety Prevention Bully Behavior Intervention Report Attitude Perception Protection Interaction Tolerance Respect Acceptance Rules Policy Peer Response Threat Aggressive Harmful 2- Why is bullying wrong? Bullying is wrong because it makes people feel scared and upset. What is bullying? Bullying is when someone is horrible to you on purpose. Anyone can be bullied. People are usually bullied because they are different from other people. If someone bullies you they might • call you horrible names • hit you • kick you • steal your things • send you nasty text messages, emails or letters or make a nasty phone call or post on a social network. • make you do things you do not want to do • ignore you and leave you out of things. Make a PowerPoint presentation with this information and illustrate it with appropriate images. 3- Watch the video at and write the lyrics of the song Hey Bully by Morgan Frazier. 4- Watch the video about what bullying is, and complete: Bullying is: Older kids picking on ___________ _________. _______ _________ picking on small kids. When people are being _______ to others. Teasing, _________, hitting, and _________ names. Bullying is _________ ____ someone, leaving people ______. Bullying is picking on kids who _________ or _________ different. It’s on _________. Teasing until it’s not ______ anymore. Calling ________ It happens over and ________ and _______. Bullying hurt people _____ ____________. It’s not _______. It’s not _______. It’s just ________. No one deserves ____ ____ ___________. 5- Bullying happens at school sometimes. Bullying happens when the bully uses their power to hurt or embarrass another student. Bullying is different than teasing because bullying happens more often, and is meant to hurt the victim's feelings. A victim is the person who is bullied. Sometimes there is a bystander. A bystander is a person who watches the bullying happen. The victim and the bystander should tell an adult if they see bullying. Bystanders should try to create a friendship with a victim. A friendship is a close, friendly relationship between two people. Adults can help create a safe space and peace in school. A safe place is where students feel safe from bullying. Peace happens when there isn't annoyance or harassment toward students. Match the word with its definition. Then, find the word in the word search. 1. BULLY Friendly relationship between two people 2. BYSTANDER Place where students can feel safe 3. FRIENDSHIP Freedom from annoyance and harassment 4. PEACE Someone who watches bullying happen 5. SAFE SPACE Person who uses their power to hurt another student 6. VICTIM Person who is bullied 6- Read the following poem and do the exercises about it. No, Bully! Written by Nikki Aksamit A bully is a boy or a girl Who makes you feel bad. Who says things or does things That make you feel sad. A bully may laugh When you make a mistake. Or call you mean names Push you, shove you or shake. What do you do If you’re bullied today? You must try to stay calm And just walk away. Go tell a grown up, They’ll know what to do, Teachers and parents Are there to help you. What if you see A bully pick on a friend? How do you make The meanness come to an end? Tell the bully to stop! Take your friend by the hand. Go find a grown up, They will understand. School is a safe place To learn, grow and play If you speak up and stand up Bullies can’t ruin the day! a. The second stanza of the poem reads: A bully may laugh When you make a mistake. Or call you mean names Push you, shove you or shake. Make a list of some other things that a bully might do. ______________________________________________ b. List three adults you would trust: _________________, ___________________, and _______________. c. Tell what you can do if you see a bully picking on a friend. _______________________________________ d. How can you avoid becoming a bully? _______________________________________________________ 7. Read the following story and answer the questions about it. Online Attack Written by Kelly Hashway Veronica logged onto her Facebook wall and checked her messages. Her last post was a joke she made about why pigs like to roll around in mud. Most of her friends replied with smiley faces or LOLs, but the last comment made Veronica’s mouth drop. Millie Andrews posted, “Veronica is an ugly pig.” Veronica closed her browser window and walked away from the computer. She didn’t know how many people from school had seen Millie’s comment or why Millie would say something so mean. She barely slept wondering what she was going to do. The next morning, Veronica walked into school with her head down. She felt like everyone was looking at her, and whenever she heard laughter, she feared it was directed at her. Veronica ran to the girls’ bathroom with tears in her eyes. She went into an empty stall. “What am I going to do?” she asked herself. a. Highlight the words that describe how Veronica felt after she saw the Facebook comment from Millie. upset, happy, angry, frustrated, relaxed, embarrassed, humiliated, pleased, confident, confused, respected, mad b. If you were Veronica's friend, and you saw this Facebook post, what would you say to Veronica? c. Who could Veronica talk to about this problem? d. What should Veronica do? e. Do you think it would be a good idea for Veronica to post something mean on Millie's Facebook wall to get even? Why or why not? 8. What to Do If You’re Bullied Classify the items into the corresponding column. Things you can do if you are being bullied Things you can do to stay safe in the future · Look at the kid bullying you and tell him or her to stop in a calm, clear voice. You can also try to laugh it off. This works best if joking is easy for you. It could catch the kid bullying you off guard. · Talk to an adult you trust. Don’t keep your feelings inside. Telling someone can help you feel less alone. They can help you make a plan to stop the bullying. · Stay away from places where bullying happens. · If speaking up seems too hard or not safe, walk away and stay away. Don’t fight back. Find an adult to stop the bullying on the spot. · Stay near adults and other kids. Most bullying happens when adults aren’t around. 9. Treat Everyone with Respect Nobody should be mean to others. Choose the best options to make the sentences logical. · Stop and think (before/after) you say or do something that could hurt someone. · If you feel like being (kind/ mean) to someone, find something else to do. Play a (game/ class), watch TV, or talk to a friend. · Talk to (an adult/ a child) you trust. They can help you find (people /ways) to be nicer to others. · Keep in mind that everyone is (the same /different). Not better or worse. Just different. · If you think you have (bullied/ helped) someone in the past, apologize. Everyone feels better. 10. REFLEXION: Bullying can threaten students’ physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. Answer: Do you ever laugh when a classmate makes a mistake? Do you ever make fun of people in a mean way? Do you ever join in when someone is being teased? Do you ever gossip or spread rumors? How not to be a victim of bullying? How can you contribute to establish a positive climate at school?

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