What to do in your pomodoro breaks?


Some tips
Elaine del Valle
Note by Elaine del Valle, updated more than 1 year ago
Elaine del Valle
Created by Elaine del Valle over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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What to do in your pomodoro breaks?

5 minutes / short break: - Get up, open the window, inhale and exhale for 4 seconds- Drink water !- Stretch a little bit- Water your head with cold water (but not extra cold), it will refresh you - Turn on your favourite song and dance - Lay down on your bed and close your eyes (but try not to fall asleep)- Massage your head - Take down the recycling bin (I hope you’re recycling, if you don’t, please consider it because it’s a really easy way of helping the environment) or the garbageBut whatever you do, don’t go online because if you’re like me, you’ll be sucked in on the social media (tumblr is no exception! It’s pretty easy to spend hours scrolling down on tumblr).15 minutes / long break (it’s after 4 pomodoros): - Clean up around your room - Read a magazine- Wash your dishes (it’s especially crucial if you live in dorm. I can tell you, it’s not my favourite activity to do, but I don’t want my dishes to pile up because that is gross)- Work out (there are several videos on YouTube that are only 5-15 minutes long)- Spend time with your pets (several studies show that spending time with them decrease the stress level) - Make a playlist of energetic tracks and dance, jump and sing - Go down for a little walk around your house - Talk to a friend of yours (not a message, rather a phone call)- Talk to your mom, dad, sibling(s)- If you have a great willing power, you can surf on the Internet but be sure not to spend more time than the given.

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