Domain II: Data Collection, bullet 1(provided by Diane Rogers)


Domain II “Define the various data sources and collection methods and identify relative strengths and limitations of each”.
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Note by Lydia Elliott, Ed.D , updated more than 1 year ago
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Created by Lydia Elliott, Ed.D about 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Domain II: Data Collection, bullet 1

“Define the various data sources and collection methods and identify relative strengths and limitations of each”. · Rounding – real time, can respond timely to concerns, facilitates analysis of information over time to gauge improvement and identify systemic opportunities, engages leadership into the PX process · Focus Groups – facilitates discussion and deeper exploration of issues and things done well, supports building relationships and leveraging patient perspective · Social Media – difficult to organize and aggregate information, could be used as a source of patient stories to engage staff and share · Complaints and Compliments database – source of information for analysis related to systemic issues and trends (in terms of number of complaints) · Patient Family Advisory Councils – not only serves as a source of information of what could we do better, what do we do well, but serves as a contributor to recommended solutions; builds relationship and supports community involvement. · Discharge Phone Calls – dedicated resource required. Depending on level of implementation, may or may not have formal tracking of information. · Employee Satisfaction / Engagement surveys – While this information does not directly identify associated patient experience data – staff satisfaction / engagement is certainly a contributor to the overall experience and should be used as information to guide, support and create a culture that supports, appreciates and encourages positive experiences for everyone.

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