Feliks Skrzynecki - created from Mind Map


english Note on Feliks Skrzynecki - created from Mind Map, created by kailahpatricia on 25/03/2014.
Note by kailahpatricia, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by kailahpatricia about 10 years ago
Copied to Note by kailahpatricia about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Not belongingdifferent perceptions of their belonging in Australia and the necessity (Father & Peter)Identity disparity between his father's strong sense of cultural identity and his confusion about his own identity

Belonging shaped by personal, cultural, historical & social contexts connections with places, ppl, groups, communities, macro Relationships Understanding father's sense of belonging with his friends and his garden come from his cultural (Polish), personal and historical context (forced labour) Peter's contrasting sense of alienation comes from his cultural context (son of migrants who has never been to Poland at this stage), personal context (experience of education). father's strong sense of belonging comes from his connections with his friends (people), garden (place) and his cultural heritage relationships with his friends and garden give him a sense of belonging. Peter explores his relationship with his father attempt to come to an understanding of his father and to come to terms with his own shifting identity

 Individual ability to enrich/ challenge a groupFeliks both enriches and challenges Peter's notions of his own identity and stability.

Attitudes to belongFeliks does not change his fixed sense of belonging, while Peter's attitude modifies over time, pitching his tents "further and further south of Hadrian's wall."

• Assumption is that his experiences have shaped him to be a stoic, honourable man represented in a favourable light.

Feliks Skrzynecki

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