

GCSE Evernote notes Note on Viruses, created by Dannii Stevenson on 15/05/2013.
Dannii Stevenson
Note by Dannii Stevenson, updated more than 1 year ago
Dannii Stevenson
Created by Dannii Stevenson over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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A Worm Virus •It is a computer program that replicatesin order to spread the virus. Often it uses a computer network to spread. This is because of not very good security on the computer. •It can also send over email; Facebook, MSN, Skype and etc.. A Trojan Virus •It is a standalone program and steals data and information. It pretends to be a normal thing that should be there, and for the owner, they don’t suspect it’s there until all of their details have been stolen. Even then, they might not realise it. Viruses (and how to stop them) •Viruses are used to gather information or ruin your computer. •To stop a virus, you need to install Anti-Virus tool. •Do not open attachments unless you are expecting them. •Apply a Strong password and if using Windows XP, disable the simple file sharing. •Avoid copying documents. •Back up essential data files periodically. •Firewalls. Computer Misuse Act of 1990 •The computer misuse act became law in August 1990. Under the Act hacking and the introduction of viruses are criminal offences.   Spyware •Spyware is a type of Malware( see Malware for description) that is installed on a computer that collects data and information without the owner knowing. Spyware is typically hidden and can be difficult for the owner to detect. Fraud •In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual. •Bank details   Cookies •A small files which stores all what you are doing and what websites you go on.   Malware Malware is malicious software.   Phishing •Trying to get information through your emails.

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