The Constitution Then and Now


Going over pages 16 - 47 in United States Constitution Study Guide
Note by paul.schneider, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paul.schneider almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Preamble Set up Purpose More Perfect Union Justice Domestic Transquility General Welfare Common Defense

Articles of the Constitution House of Representatives and Senate - Legislative Branch Requirements  Powers of Congress Bill becoming a law President and staff - Executive Branch Courts - Judicial Branch Power to Interpret laws Can strike down a law that it considers to go against the Constitution Articles 4-7 - Constitution and federal government supreme over state laws

Bill of Rights First Amendment Second Amendment - what does it mean? Third Amendment  - quartering still a concern? 3rd to 8th Amendments - rights of accused people Future Amendments have mostly extended freedoms provided

Big Ideas in the Constitution Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Federalism Popular Sovereignty

Amending  the Constitution Proposal Ratification 18th and 21st Amendments

Interpreting the Constitution Marbury v. Madison - Judicial Review Brown v. Board of Education - Separate and Not Equal Heart of Atlanta Hotel v. US - Another step to equality

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