Successsion Topic 10


How colonisation occurs followed by a process called succession.
Paula Bell
FlashCards por Paula Bell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Paula Bell
Criado por Paula Bell mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Stage One of Succession Colonisation Species grow that are capable of surviving difficult conditions such as bare rock.
Stage Two of Succession PIONEER SPECIES Able to grow when colonisers have made conditions hospitable.
Stage Three of Succession PIONEER SPECIES produce soil as dead material accumulates. This allows larger HERBACEOUS plants to OUTSTRIP pioneers
Stage Four of Progression SHRUBS and BUSHES can be supported when SOIL becomes deep enough
Stage Five of Progression A CLIMAX COMMUNITY forms when the largest plants are able to grow. There is then no further succession.


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