Changing Urban Environments- Problems caused by rapid urbanisation in developing world cities


A Levels Geography (GCSE) FlashCards sobre Changing Urban Environments- Problems caused by rapid urbanisation in developing world cities, criado por beth2384 em 11-06-2013.
FlashCards por beth2384, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por beth2384 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the three types of problems caused by rapid urbanisation in developing world cities? Economic, Social and Environmental
Name the 4 main environmental problems? water pollution, traffic congestion, lack of clean water, squatter settlements
In developing world cities, what 5 things does motorised transport have to compete with? rickshaws, scooters, pedestrians, donkeys and other animals
What 4 motorised vehicles clog the streets all day? lorries, buses, taxis and cars
What don't many vehicles have? What does this cause? Catalytic converters, air pollution
What can air pollution cause? lung cancer and tuberculosis
Why are rivers polluted? People use them as dustbins for human waste
What is the result of water pollution? plant and fish life is destroyed
What are being used up alarmingly fast? Underground water supplies
As underground water supplies are being used up fast, what has happened to Mexico? it has sunk 7+ metres in the last century
Why has Mexico sunk? the aquifier below it is empty of water
What three things to squatter settlements destroy? wildlife habitats, woodland, good agricultural land
What else (apart from squatter settlements) destroys woodland, wildlife habitats and good agricultural land? industries on the edge of cities
What is widespread? water pollution
What other type of pollution (apart from air pollution) do vehicles cause? noise pollution
What are the 4 main social problems in developing world cities? 1 sewage 2 stress 3 health 4 squatter settlements
What does sewage do to the water supply? It pollutes it
What can happen in term of illness when there is sewage on streets/in the water supply? water-borne diseases spread fast
Name 3 water-borne diseases that can spread in developing world cities? diarrhoea, typhoid, cholera
Why do water-borne diseases spread fast in developing world cities? because of high housing density
What are three results of stress in developing world cities? 'street children', marriage breakdown, crime
What main type of crime could there be in developing world cities as a result of stress? robbery
What are the 2 problems with health care in developing world cities? it's expensive and too far away
What is there poor quality of? food
What types of sites can squatter settlements be built on? (name 3) swamps, rubbish tips, steep hills
In which three places of the world are the cities surrounded by squatter settlements? Asia, Africa, Latin America
what % of a city's population often live in squatter settlements? 50% +
What can squatter settlements cause (3 things) landslides, floods, pollution
How many rooms do most homes in squatter settlements have? 1-2
In the bustees (Calcutta) how many people may share 1 toilet? 30
Where are the favelas? Brazil
Where are the bustees? Calcutta
Where are the bidonvilles? North Africa
What are the 3 main economic problems in developing word cities? too expensive to travel, immigrants don't have jobs, lack of income
Give 4 examples of jobs in the informal sector? street sellers, shoe shiners, human carriers, domestic servants
What sector are there few jobs in? The formal sector
Who lack skills? immigrants
Why do poor shanty dwellers have more and more children? in the hope one will get a good job and be able to support them
What is the result of it being too expensive to travel? People have to live in the centre


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